Written Pieces
Need a piece that is protective, sensitive to the needs of many and allows people to feel safe? Christin can cultivate a piece or review a piece that you or your team is pushing out to the world.

One way to create a safe environment in any setting from education to corporations is to create a Body Safe Environment. Body Safe Environments can be formal policies or trainings to support the safety of all humans in all body sizes.

Individual Nutrition Therapy
Christin sees patients through Second Breakfast Nutrition. Please click here or email me on the contact page.

Need someone to discuss food, body, movement, eating disorders?
Speaking Engagements are a wonderful way to support an audience with their discernment about food and body.
Christin is the most genuinely passionate professional I have ever met. Her intuitive engagement with clients, and people in general, leaves a special mark on everyone she knows.
-Dr. Amy Knab
I have had the absolute pleasure of working with Christin as a colleague in the weight-inclusive, body liberation space. Christin is the real deal - authentic, passionate, and deeply compassionate. She embodies her values and practices with an integrity that sets an example for what healthcare should be. I’m grateful to work beside her and learn from her!
- Annie Goldsmith, RD, LDN